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A. A. Karasev, S. V. Aleshin

Recommendations on SCENAR and COSMODIC treatment

Operation modes of SCENAR-devices, electrode posing and action intensity

Energy (intensity, amplitude) of action

SCENAR should create positive attitude of the patient to treatment. For that we recommend to choose the most comfortable action intensity mode for the patient. While treating children, use the minimum action intensity. Intensity level does not influence the resulting effect of treatment, though satisfies the patient’s psychological need to feel the curative effect. Increased action level is good for first-aid and urgent treatment, for example, to abate pain or provide reanimation, as well as for examination of lowered sensibility, or for lowered body response reaction (to stir up response reaction).

In cases of clear localization of complaints, especially pain ones, increase the action intensity to tolerable level. If the symptoms are not clearly manifested and general symptoms prevail over local ones, apply low level of action intensity though it must be perceptible.

In cosmetology low levels of action intensity are used (not more that 40%), they manifest in slight pricking and twitching that is comfortable.

Name and form of the mode Function of the mode In what case to use
1. Automatic mode (individually dosed action) — the electrode is pressed to skin (without shifting or moving) until the individually dosed action cycle is indicated as completed (by termination of sound receipting of the indicator of precise action dose). Minimum necessary dose for acquiring the adequate body reaction. Having non-localized complaints or numerous active complaints; vague diagnosis; treating basic areas to localize the symptoms and reduce the time while determining asymmetry and choosing optimal action time.
2. Subjective mode — depends upon the intuition and insight of the SCENAR-operator. Changing of the body reactions to the desired (necessary) level. When having clearly manifested locality of symptoms; for first-aid or urgent help; for functional improvement of organs and systems; when treating large areas.
2.1 Moving the electrode on the skin. Stroking Many areas are involved into dynamic diagnostic and curative process at the same time. For more precise perception of dynamics of treatment; in cases when it is necessary and possible to act upon large areas.
Moving along some direction Direction vector is used while moving the electrode as well (the direction of moving is important). To “trigger” an organ or system; treatment of vessels, “herring-bone” pattern when treating lungs pathology.
2.2 Still position of the device, without shifting from the area of action. Massaging of the area. More intensive treatment of the areas. Elimination of edemas and indurations.
Active movements in the joint. More intensive and precise treatment of the joint area. Treatment of musculoskeletal system and pains appearing while moving.
3. Continuous mode (only for SCENAR 0-35) — the start button is pressed during the whole time of action. The same as in subjective mode.

Direction of action is a vector variable. For this what is important is the axial posing of the electrodes, posing angle (sloping of the device to the skin surface), moving direction (while moving the device). The skill of proper posing of the device is acquired with practice and becomes an automatic habit.

Here are some recommendations for the beginners.

Electrode should be posed:

  1. Along the muscles and skin folds
  2. Along the segment.
  3. Along the projection of the organ being treated.
  4. Taking into account the object of action wile treating certain pathology.
  5. According to the most intensive reaction of the device.
  6. Anyhow for diversity of action

On the vertebral column and face area (three tracks and six points) the electrode should be posed vertically.

While applying individually dosed mode during the action, it is recommended not to put the electrode in the same position for the same projection.