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A. A. Karasev, S. V. Aleshin

Recommendations on SCENAR and COSMODIC treatment

Disorders of maxillodental system and oral cavity

SCENAR is not a magic wand, it cannot grow you new teeth or make the old ones look better. But in most cases it can eliminate or abate toothache, inflammation, assist in pre- and postoperative period and in various kinds of stomatological procedures.

Diagnosis Areas to act upon Characteristics of the procedures Course of treatment
Toothache, trismus after stomatological manipulations Projection of the maximum painful area → the point of the facial nerve outlet (in front of the ear) → six points → collar area The effect of treatment may be reached even if the action intensity is not perceptible 30 seconds – 5 minutes
q. s.
(until the pain is eliminated)
Inflammatory diseases of the maxillodental system Projection of the areas of the maximum discomforting sensation → six points → the point of the facial nerve outlet → lymph drainage passageways of teeth → basic areas 5–10 days
1, rarely 2 courses.
Paradontosis Projection of the teeth → six points → the point of the facial nerve outlet → basic areas Put special attention to treatment of lymph drainage passageways 10 days,
1–3 courses
Gingivitis Projection of the gums → six points → the point of the facial nerve outlet → lymph drainage passageways → basic areas 5–10 days
Glossalgia The tongue directly → the point of the facial nerve outlet → six points → collar area → basic areas Use minimum action energy q. s.
until the pains are eliminated,
usually 5–7 sessions