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A. A. Karasev, S. V. Aleshin

Recommendations on SCENAR and COSMODIC treatment

Compatibility with other kinds of treatment

SCENAR always intensifies the positive effects of other kinds of treatment (at least, SCENAR decreases their negative effect if available). But it is not always recommended to combine SCENAR-therapy with other kinds of treatment to intensify the result of therapy. SCENAR-therapy is well combined with treatment with medical multi-ply blanket, competent and appropriate psychotherapy, homoeopathy, electromagnetic therapy, hirudotherapy, and clearing actions.

Alternation and sequence of these methods is determined individually for every patient and according to tactics of treatment. The other methods are applied if they are expedient according to your intuition.

SCENAR-therapy is problematic if combined with acupuncture, laser and other methods that are based upon reflexotherapy due to excessive informational load upon the body that instead of improvement may result in stress reactions (information stress).

SCENAR-therapy may be combined with applying the medications (but not more than for 3 weeks, to avoid adaptation and addiction):

  • Enterosorbents, medications of enzyme therapy and others contributory to self-regulation and restoration.
  • It is not recommended to combine SCENAR-therapy with medications, disturbing self-regulation (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, hormonal, chemotherapeutic and many other medications) though SCENAR will decrease their negative effect and allow you to reduce the dose one third or one quarter of the necessary one. But when you start self-regulation it is pointless to apply medications suppressing it. The main principle of combining the different types of therapy is to improve the interaction and avoid information overload.