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A. A. Karasev, S. V. Aleshin

Recommendations on SCENAR and COSMODIC treatment

General idea of SCENAR

SCENAR is an abbreviation for the name of the device — Self-Controlling Energy-Neuro-Adapting Regulator or short-pulse electric neuroadaptive reflexological therapeutic stimulator.

Speaking of its properties in general, it can be presented as high-effective, compact (of pocket size), multifunctional therapeutic device.

This is that ingenious thing that looks so simple.

The principle of operation of this device is executed by the action upon the skin of peculiar electric pulses modifying together with the change of the skin condition that provides application of feedback and, as a result, causes reactions aimed at restoring the lost functions. While regulating unbalanced body systems, SCENAR brings to normal condition everything that is restorable. SCENAR produces no negative impact and the effect of action remains for quite a long time after the treatment has been finished. The recovery is provided due to restoration and harmonization of the inherent body reserves but not by suppressing defense and adapting mechanisms of the body that mostly results in severer forms of diseases or lingering course of the basic disorder. SCENAR brings no changes into normally functioning organism.

The effect of mono-SCENAR-therapy is 90% (in 60% of cases it provides complete clinical recovery, and in 30% — produces positive dynamics). With SCENAR-therapy the recovery is achieved, on average, three times quicker. Thus, if the treatment of peptic ulcer by medications requires three weeks, SCENAR-therapy can eliminate this condition in 5–7 days, without any additional drug treatment.

SCENAR is compatible with all kinds of treatment (at least, it reduces the negative action of other kinds of treatment, if available, and, definitely, increases positive effect).

SCENAR is recognized as an ideal electrotherapy and one of the best examples of reflexotherapy methods.

SCENAR-therapy provides normalization of the malfunctions, quicker course and pronouncement of pathological processes, considerable improvement of general condition, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antidropsical, anthelmintic, antiallergic, vasoregulating effects, normalization of metabolic processes, improvement of lymph drainage, external and internal rejuvenation, better sleep and emotional condition, and many other benefits.

One of the most valuable effects of SCENAR is that it eliminates stress reactions in the organism and causes health-improving reactions that provide self-recovery of the body.

SCENAR allows not only to reduce considerably the use of medications (or eliminate them completely), but also to help in such cases when other methods are ineffective.

For patients SCENAR is a way to a new health. For users SCENAR is a way to a new absorbing and saturating life.

SCENAR is simple in operation — all the processes of treatment are automated.

SCENAR can be applied by anyone, who is familiar with the manual and instructions on treatment. However, the maximum effect in treatment of complicated cases can be reached only by doctors who are involved in constant, professional and creative work with SCENAR devices.

SCENAR is an instrument, a wonderful instrument, and the effect and result of its use depends upon the person who handles it. SCENAR will help you to be unlimited in your development and will stimulate your upgrading as a specialist and healer.

SCENAR is independent of electricity supply networks and applies low-voltage power supply, and that is why it poses no danger for a patient.

The device can be used in any conditions: at home, in the street, in the country, at work, in military operations, in space, in beauty salons, in medical institutions and operating rooms.

SCENAR is recognized to be very popular among deaf and dumb people, foreigners (language barrier), patients in an unconscious state, children, non-transportable, non-operable, and abandoned people, and pets.