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One year experience with “sliding” technology

Dr. Soo-Kyung Kim | 18.06.2013

I have not used new slider x2 yet, but am surprised to see the breath-taking speed of recent evolution of Scenar technology of Dr. Karasev. Different from the previous technologies, I could hardly observe the annoying healing reactions and the time required for each therapeutic session is so much shortened for the benefit of both therapists and patients. Here are some cases treated with this sliding technology (EX735Ag Slider).

Device used: EX735Ag (Slider)
Mode of action: Slider with medium energy level
Time required for each therapeutic session: Less than 20 minutes
Total number of therapeutic sessions : 15–20

1. Age/Sex: 58/M
Diagnosis: Early Parkinson's disease
Treatment outcome: Complete cure
Areas of treatment: 3 Lines

He was treated for the weakness of right lower extremity under the diagnosis of HIVD (herniated intervertebral disc) for several months without any improvement at other clinic. On first examination, tremor of both hands with gait disturbance and increased DTR (deep tendon reflex) of knee joint was observed. He had been referred to special Parkinson's disease clinic for the definitive evaluation where the conclusive diagnosis was 'Parkinson's disease'.

After the confirmative diagnostic procedure, treatment with Scenar-Cosmodic had been started.

One day after 1st session, he had a healing reaction of tolerable mild hyperthermia for a day which subsided spontaneously. But, there was no improvement of symptoms even after 10th session and he wanted to give up the treatment. I persuaded and convinced the patient to continue the therapy and he agreed to one more cycle of 10 sessions.

After 15th session, the tremor of hands began to decrease with improved gait.

On reaching 20th session, tremor disappeared completely with normal gait. DTR (deep tendon reflex) of knee joint had been normalised accordingly.

Perseverance and Scenar-Cosmodic therapy had prevailed finally to achieve the complete cure. He was advised to visit again if there was any sign of recurrence, but there is not any report from the patient up to now.

2. Age/Sex : 12/M
Diagnosis: Crohn's disease of terminal ileum
Treatment outcome: Complete cure
Areas of treatment: 3 Lines with lower abdomen

This boy had been suffering from the above disease for several years with medications of immunosuppresant drugs such as azathiprine and steriod at other hospital. He had a weight loss of more than 10 Kilograms and severe cramping abdominal pain with frequent diarrhea of more than 10 times a day, which aggravated recently with intermittent fever.

A decision to stop all the immunosuppresant drugs was made before the treatment.

After several sessions, the patient reported that he could smell in the urine the scent of previous immunosuppressant drugs he had taken and it persisted for more than a week. I explained that it was a typical healing reaction of removing the unnecessary chemicals from his body.

Symptoms of cramping abdominal pain and diarrhea had begun to subside gradually after 10th session, and almost disappeared when reaching the final 20th session. The patient had begun to gain weight with normalised intake of food and defecation of less than two times a day. Up to now, he has weight gain of about 15 Kilograms and does the normal activities without any intestinal problems and without any medications.

3. Age/Sex: 63/Female
Diagnosis: SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus )
Treatment outcome: Partially complete cure
Areas of treatment: 3 Lines

She had been on medications for her hypertension and generalised edema for about two years and referred to my clinic due to unresolved problem of edema. But, on first examination, I could observe the erythematous skin of her both cheeks and SLE was suspected. Subsequent blood examination showed positive ANA (antinuclear antibody) , and normal CBC with increased ESR. Urine protein was also one positive. SLE was explained to the patient and all the previous medications were discontinued, which increased her blood pressure to systolic 150mmHg and diastolic 100mg respectively.

Scenar-Cosmodic therapy had been initiated and normalisation of her blood pressure to systolic120mmg and diastolic 80mmg could be detected after 12th session and no healing reaction was experienced by the patient. Twenty therapeutic sessions were given and one month after the final session, laboratory exam was repeated again. Generalised edema and erythema of cheek skin disappeared with normal blood pressure level. The exam showed normalised ESR level and negative urine protein, but persistently positive ANA(antinuclear antibody). Complications of SLE are now completely in remission state after the treatment, and her autoimmune status is now on careful monitoring for further therapeutic intervention with Scenar-Cosmodic to achieve the complete cure.

4. Age/Sex: 28/Female
Diagnosis: Urticaria of whole body and face
Treatment outcome: Complete cure
Areas of treatment: 3 Lines

She has been suffering from this small and large-sized urticara repeatedly appearing on the face whenever mentally streesed.

As she could not continue her social activities due to this condition, she had started to take immunosuppressant drug (azathioprine) at other clinic since two years ago, half-successfully suppressing the appearance of the facial urticaria.

Type I Immunity ( Hypersensitivty immune reaction) was suspected and blood exam done at my clinic showed normal Immunoglobulin E level and normal suppressor and helper T cell levels.

Immunosuppressant drug(azathioprine) was discontinued before the treatment and recurrence of urticaria had been observed.

After 3rd session, diarrhea of two or three times a day without any abdominal discomfort had been observed and continued for a week, implying a very positive healing reaction. Fifteen therapies were given and after 10th session, no recurrence of urticaria had been observed even when mentally stressed. She is now undertaking her social activites quite normally without any problem and preparing for the pregnancy.

Dr. Soo-Kyung Kim, Songpaku, Seoul, Korea